Топ 100
Командная инициатива:Less trace
The most important value for our team is a sustainable future, why? If our world is sustainable, we assure our present and future, then we can develop the necessary social services to be healthy, smart, happy and successful. Our protect consist of an app for Android and iOS, that will allow the government to achieve a sustainable impact, improve quality of life, minimise costs of public services and control the footprint of the human. The app consist of a personal cabinet for each user, when starting to user it will ask you questions about your impact in the world, as, amount of plastic bottles you use, if you use public transport or car, if you smoke, if you recycle, etc, this in order to make an statistic of how badly or good you contribute to the environment, base on this will make you some recommendations to improve. Until here, the app is for any user. The second part of the app, and this is why the government will be involve, is because it will be automatically connected to your account of the payment of public services, only if you are a fiscal persona, then, in accordance to your statistics, uploaded daily, weekly or monthly, including tickets and the payment of energy, gas and water, will give a result that will allow you to deduce from taxation if your impact was good and developed, or to pay a fee if the opposite. Is a good opportunity for the user to avoid some taxation by improving by their data and good way for the government to control the impact of the society and guide it to a sustainable future.
Assure a good future for the next generations. Improve in health Management of resources Friendly energies Use of bio degradation to avoid unnecessary trash Poverty reduction Equality on the resources access Minimice cost in services like energy Create conscious in the society.
Capital, sell the idea to a certain country government or company Depending on the country, survey to stabilise parameters for the data Development of the app Comercialization, marketing and testing Collect data back to test results
Индустрии будущего ВФМС2017Человечеству
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