How did the word "family"? Once never heard of him land... But eve said before the wedding, Adam: - I have seven questions I ask. Children who give birth to me, my goddess? And eve quietly said: - I. - Who educate them, my Queen? And eve meekly replied: - Who are the food cook, my love? And eve answered: - Who dress to sew, to wash linen Me caress, decorate housing? To answer the question, my friend! - I... I... - Quietly said Eva. - I... I... she Said the famous seven "I". So on earth appeared family! Today, July 21, 5 years ago formed our family! We decided to go together on life, these 5 years have flown by as one instant, although looking back, so much has happened. . My dear, you're not just a husband, a man who always close in life, which is never scary, my support and love, congratulations on our anniversary! Let every day our love will be stronger and stronger let our happiness will never leave. I wish you the best and caring the most beloved and wonderful husband. . . #family #anniversary #golovshinskii #21 July #Narasimha #zgodovino #5летвместе #rocabruna