Trofimov, Vasily (brother of my father), was born in 1921 in the village Casino Uporovskogo district. In 1940, drafted into the Red army. From the first days of the war at the front. The scouts were tasked to capture the language, this should be done in the assault battalion of the strategically important heights. After the artillery barrage began the attack, but the lightning breakthrough of the battalion prevented the enemy machine gun. Without hesitation, Basil ran closer to the bunker and threw a grenade. But the enemy continued to scribble. And then Basil took another leap and closed embrasure bunker with his body, gave the chance to move ahead of the infantry and all adjacent units. Vasili Trofimov died on 9 June 1944. Military friends of Vasily Trofimov was buried not far from that height. Your feat is immortal. Eternal memory and bow to the hero of the great Patriotic war.
Khokhlova NadezhdaTrofimov, Vasily Grigorievich